
BSEC-URTA Called BSEC Countries for creating strong Motorways of the Sea in the Black Sea Region

BSEC-URTA International Secretariat participated in the Ad Hoc working group on the Development of the Motorways of the Sea on 25 October organized by BSEC PERMIS aiming to strengthen the logistics of the Black region through intermodal solutions.

Secretary General Mehmet Uylukcu during his speech at the meeting requested the support of the member countries for strengthening the Motorways of the Sea in the Black Sea region which showed its importance both from economical and humanitarian perspectives necessary for a strong logistic chain in the BSEC region.

In the Working Group, Deputy Secretary General Alpdogan Kahraman made a presentation depicting the current Ro-Pax & Ro-Ro lines in the Black Sea Region, the necessary incentives that should be given by the countries, especially to the ports, and necessary digitalized and expedited customs regimes for the Ro-Pax ships.

The presentation realized by BSEC-URTA that calls BSEC countries to support Motorways of the Sea in the Black Sea Region will be circulated among the member countries by the BSEC PERMIS.

BSEC-URTA International Secretariat presented its gratitude on behalf of its members to the Hellenic Republic for their support during their chairmanship for developing the Motorways of the Sea and presented its best wishes to the next Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Working Group Moldova and Armenia.

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