BSEC-URTA was founded by Associations of International Road Transporters in eleven BSEC member countries in Antalya (Turkey) on 24 October 2001. The official inauguration of the Union was organized during the BSEC Business Council’s First International Transport Forum in the same city on 25 October 2001 with the presence of H.E. Oktay Vural, the Minister of Transport of Turkey.

As clear indication of the International Road Transport Union’s (IRU) open support to foundation of BSEC-URTA, IRU Secretary General Mr. Martin Marmy was also present both at the Foundation Meeting on 24 October and the Official Inauguration Ceremony on 25 October.

BSEC-URTA aims to provide private sector contribution to the multilateral cooperation process underway on the level of Governments in the Black Sea since 1992.

Within this framework the Union gives special emphasize on building channels of dialogue and cooperation with every related body globally. It is without doubt that BSEC-URTA will play a major role to coordinate efforts by and influence of its Member Associations towards promoting and safeguarding their common sectoral interests in the BSEC region and on the international level. Potential of the BSEC region, energy hidden inside the road transport industry and the sincere will of 11 countries to further cooperation on the basis of contribution by regional NGOs constitute the main motivation for the BSEC-URTA family to construct a global perspective, set higher goals to achieve and become truly pragmatic and result-oriented towards shared success but nothing else.

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