
Big Thanks To Bulgaria on behalf of BSEC-URTA

One of the main problems and the common request of the BSEC transporters was the removal of disinfection application by Bulgarian authorities which was applied in the Bulgarian Border Crossing Points for the trucks entering from Türkiye into Bulgaria; one of the essential gates of BSEC logistic transit itineraries.

This application was considered not only time-consuming but also creating costs for the transporters and the BSEC logistics chain.

According to the official announcement of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency, it was announced that the disinfection application applied to the trucks entering from Türkiye into Bulgaria was removed by the order of His Excellences Mr. Yavar Gechev, The Minister of Agriculture of Bulgaria starting from 13th of March 2023.

As BSEC-URTA International Secretariat and on behalf of our members, we present our sincere gratitude to the Bulgarian Authorities for the taken decision, which will certainly contribute to the facilitation and development of international road transport in the BSEC region.

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